Project Portfolio

A summary of my work, Click the pictures for more!

Welcome to my project portfolio, here you’ll find a selection of my work, showcasing the diverse range of projects I’ve undertaken. From innovative software solutions and creative design projects to complex problem-solving tasks and collaborative endeavors, this portfolio reflects my journey and growth as a Data Scientist and my improvements in Software Engineering.

Feel free to explore the various projects by clicking the image above for the code, or alternatively the title to see a deeper explanation. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential collaborations, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Representative Sampling for Quantum Chemistry calculations
ORCA | Bash | Python | HPC | SLURM
  • Implemented the representative sampling method with the Nuclear Ensemble Method
  • Acheived a subset reduction of 99 %
  • Decreased the runtime of spectra calculations by two orders of magnitude
Biscuit Dunking Analysis
EDA | Clustering | Deep Learning
  • Performed EDA on 5 data sets using pandas, matplotlib
  • Identified 3 types of biscuits using scikitlearn unsupervised learning
  • Comparatively analysed the performance of several supervised learning algorithms
Distributed Data Processing
Docker | Docker Swarm | RabbitMQ
  • Decomposed an ATLAS data processing script into containerized services
  • Demonstrated scalability by deploying to a local swarm and scaling data reading and processing services
An investigation on wine
Machine Learning | Bayesian Inference
  • Trained a logistic regression model for the classification of wine as red or white from physiochemical properties
  • Investigated the probability of a good or bad wine
  • Used bayesian inference to investigate optimal citric acid concentration for best "goodness"
Data Visualization Module
Python | iPyWidgets | Bokeh | Numpy
  • Developed an interactive module for the calculation and visualization of photolysis rate
  • Researched and tested for typical chemical values
  • Integrated the module into Atmospec
This Website!
Jekyll | SCSS | HTML
  • Developed my knowledge of SCSS and HTML for website design
  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment functions
  • Started writing small guides
Accelerating Python Code
Python | MPI | C++ | Cython | Numba
  • Identifying and analysing code bottlenecks
  • Reducing computational intensity using a combination of Cython, MPI and C++
  • Comparative analysis of methods attempted
New Project
Python | RDKit | Chemistry
  • Coming soon!